Mycelium & Fascia

Apr 04, 2024

Something Curious to Ponder On

The Resemblance between Fascia & Mycelium


My friend, Tracee Kafer (an incredible mover, super intelligent, curious & open human) almost immediately upon describing the fascia to her in our first conversation shared that she thought it sounded quite similar to mycelium. This comparison intrigued me as when looking at images of both, there is a curious similarity between how each appears.



Mycelium: a network of fungal threads or hyphae. Mycelia often grow underground but can also thrive in other places such as rotting tree trunks. A single spore can develop into a mycelium. The fruiting bodies of fungi, such as mushrooms, can sprout from a mycelium.


Mycelia are of vital importance to the soil. They break down organic material, making its raw materials available again for use in the ecosystem. On top of this, 92% of plant families interact with fungi. This kind of symbiosis is termed mycorrhiza. 


This makes it the largest organism in the world.


Mycelia have other important functions and uses. Agricultural production is for example largely dependent on the condition of the soil. If there is no interaction with fungi, plants grow far less well. Fungi are also used to break down toxic substances, such as pesticides and petroleum products, to filter water (mycofiltration) and even as the raw material for packaging.



Fascia is a sheath of stringy connective tissue that surrounds every part of your body. It provides support to your muscles, tendons, ligaments, tissues, organs, nerves, joints and bones. When your fascia is healthy, it’s flexible and stretches with you. When your fascia tightens up, it can restrict movement and cause painful health conditions.


Fascia is a part of a system-wide network that provides form and function to every part of your body. It’s a continuous layer of tissue that’s flexible and able to resist tension. 


Fascia is our largest sensory organ.


I think of fascia as your soft tissue skeleton. It stabilizes your body structures and gives your body strength. It separates your muscles and eases muscle tension. It also helps with joint stability and movement, and it improves your circulation. 


Fascia provides an environment that enables all of your body systems to work together.


Just as fascia is important for overall well-being in our physical body, mycelium is essential for healthy soil life.


What makes me most curious in this comparative relationship between mycelium and fascia is how both relate to the interconnectedness of the systems in which they reside. Both are essential underlying pieces that bring cohesion and communication between the parts of their environments.


So, just an interesting thought I wanted to share with you :)


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