Pelvic Insights

Apr 08, 2024

Earlier this year in February, I went to Santa Fe for a 4-day class on the pelvis. The pelvis is such a huge part of my work & I believe, one of the most important aspects to both our structural & emotional health.


This class shifted the way I see the pelvis overall from a structural & functional perspective. We spent most of the class learning about how to free the innominates from the sacrum. Photo shown here of what your innominate bones are (they are made up of 3 bones fused together: the ilium, ischium & pubis). You have one innominate on each side of your pelvis.


Ideally when you walk, your innominates are able to move freely from the sacrum, meaning they move with your legs through the walk cycle. 


Before this class, when I thought of the sacroiliac joint I often thought of it in terms of: is it open, is it closed, is it anterior or posterior?


 Wow how my eyes have widened to how much more is happening at this joint, that is often bigger than we might initially think, about 1.5” & is in an ‘L’ shape. There is a top, a bottom, a front, a back, and many different ways that this joint moves &/or can be stuck. 


So, how can you apply this information to your daily life?


First, increase your awareness & overall understanding of the anatomy of your pelvis. That in & of itself is substantial in regards to being able to feel better in your body. 


Example, when your hip hurts, get a little more curious, where does it hurt? What is the exact sensation of the hurt (is it a deep ache, sharp, restricted with movement, feel unstable, etc)? 

To the best of your ability, staying gentle in the process, try to imagine the bones of your pelvis within you. Think of your innominates, think of your sacrum, think of where that iliosacral junction is. 


Now go back to where it hurts/ there is discomfort. In relation to the bony anatomy of your pelvis, where does it hurt? Can you feel into what direction things may feel pulled?


If you don’t have pain or discomfort in your hip, even better, still play with this idea of getting curious about what is happening in the bones of your pelvis in relation to each other. 


We tend to only think about our bodies when we are in pain so choosing to be curious about your body anytime you are not actively in pain is a great way to help retrain your brain and perception.


You can choose to tend to your body on the regular, not just when you are trying to avoid &/or get out of pain. Reorient your perception to be one of becoming more fascinated by finding space & aliveness in your body. 

Your body contains a universe of immense possibilities & potentials that are all just waiting for you to slow down, take a breath, and connect within.


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